Transportation Advisory Board - 2012 Agendas and Minutes

Date of Meeting Agenda, Minutes, Log # Subject
December 19, 2012 December 19, 2012 Agenda Report on the cost and accessibility of audio streaming and recording TAB meetings.
  November 28, 2012 Minutes

2012-30          Transportation Policy Plan Amendment: Hennepin County   *

Report on Golden Valley’s position on the Bottineau Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA); recommendation to amend the 2030 Transportation Policy Plan to include the Bottineau Transitway LPA and Arterial Transitway Corridor Study Results.

  • Joe Gladke, Hennepin County

2012-48          Metropolitan Airports Commission 2013-2019 Capital Improvements Program  *

Recommendation to accept the findings and recommend approval of the 2013-2019 CIP to the Metropolitan Council.

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair
  • Robert Vorpahl, Metropolitan Airports Commission
  • Bridget Rief, Metropolitan Airports Commission

2012-34          New Program Year Policy: Federal Program Delivery Work Group   *

Recommendation to approve a new program year policy to replace the existing sunset date policy.

  • Tim Mayasich, Chair, Federal Program Delivery Work Group
  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair

2012-35           Scope Change Consultation Process: Federal Program Delivery Work Group   *

Recommendation to approve a scope change consultation process for regionally-selected projects.

  • Tim Mayasich, Chair, Federal Program Delivery Work Group
  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair

2012-41          CMAQ TDM Solicitation: Metropolitan Council *

Recommendation to defer the CMAQ solicitation for new Travel Demand Management projects.

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair

2012-42          2013-2016 TIP Amendment: MN Department of Transportation   *

(Highway Safety Improvement Program funds, MN Dept. of Transportation)

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to the 2013-2016 TIP to include the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) projects selected in the 2011 regional solicitation.

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair

2012-43          2013-2016 TIP Amendment: MN Department of Transportation    *

(National Highway Performance Program funds, MN Dept. of Transportation)

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to the 2013-2016 TIP to include two National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) funded highway preservation projects.

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair

2012-44          Scope Change Robert Street Improvements: West St. Paul *

(Surface Transportation Program funds, 2009 Regional Solicitation)

Recommendation to approve the requested scope change for SP# 173-010-007, the Robert Street Improvements project but reduce the STP award by $300,000.

(web posted only: Grade Separated Trail Crossing Feasibility Study; 2009 application with plan sheets)

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair

2012-45          2013-2016 TIP Amendment Robert Street Improvements: West St. Paul *

(Surface Transportation Program funds, 2009 Regional Solicitation)

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to the 2013-2016 TIP to include the revised project scope for the Robert Street Improvements, West St. Paul.

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair

2012-46          Scope Change TH 65 Transit Service: Anoka County   *

(Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Program funds, 2009 Regional Solicitation)

Recommendation to approve the requested scope change for four components of a CMAQ-funded transit expansion project.

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair

2012-47          2013-2016 TIP Amendment: Anoka County   *

(Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Program funds, 2009 Regional Solicitation)

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to the 2013-2016 TIP to include the revised project scope for the TH 65 Transit Service, Anoka County

Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair

MAP-21 Impact on the Current 2013-2016 TIP and Future Programming Directions.

Presentation on the option chosen by the MnDOT Transportation Program Investment Committee to address project currently programmed in years 2013-2016; new approach to federal and state fund allocation beginning in 2017.

  • Mark Gieseke, MnDOT Office of Capital Programs and Performance Measures
  • Koryn Zewers, MnDOT Office of Capital Programs and Performance Measures
November 28, 2012 November 28, 2012 Agenda

TAB Chair’s Report – Bill Hargis, Chair

i.    Information

Report on the November 8 TAB Executive Committee meeting. *

ii.   Action

Report on the cost of video streaming and recording TAB meetings. *


  October 17, 2012 Minutes

2012-36             Transportation Improvement Program Amendment: I-35W Lake Street Access

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to either the 2012-2015 or the 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program to include SP# 027-603-049, $2.0 million for MN061 – Lake Street Access to I-35W, Minneapolis, Preliminary Engineering.

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair

2012-37              TIP amendment: Hennepin County Interchange Project *

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to either the 2012-2015 or the 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program to include SP# 027-030-028, $6,941,500 for the Transportation Interchange facility in Minneapolis.

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair

2012-39            TIP amendment: Midtown Greenway Bridge Study *

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to the 2012-2015 or the 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program to include SP# 027-070-006, $14,735 for a Midtown Greenway Corridor Bridge Study from France Ave to the Mississippi River Bridge.

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair

2012-38          “A” Minor Arterial Study:  Accept final report, conclusion and recommendations with comments *

Recommendation that the TAB accepts and recommends that the Metropolitan Council accepts the “A” Minor Arterial System Evaluation Final Report with four revisions described in the action transmittal.

Mary Karlsson, Metropolitan Council

2012-30            TPP amendment: Bottineau LPA and transitway corridor study results *

Report on Golden Valley’s position on the LPA; recommendation to amend the 2030 Transportation Policy Plan to include the Bottineau Transitway Locally Preferred Alternative and Arterial Transitway Corridor Study Results.

  • Joe Gladke, Hennepin County
Mary Karlsson, Metropolitan Council

National Highway System

Presentation on the system, definitions, expansion under MAP-21 and how the metro area map has changed.

Denise Hesselroth, Minnesota Dept. of Transportation (tentative)


Highway Transitway Corridor Study

Presentation on the purpose of the study, corridors and types of investments under consideration.

Cole Hiniker, Metropolitan Council

Statewide Roadway Jurisdictional Realignment Study

Presentation on the purpose of the study, Phase I of the study, work to be done in Phase II.

Greg Coughlin, Director, MnDOT Metro District Operations and Maintenance
October 17, 2012 October 17, 2012 Agenda


Motion to suspend TAB Policy and Programming Committee meetings for a six month trial period.  *

Bill Hargis, TAB Chair

  September 19, 2012 Minutes

Transportation Policy Plan amendment for Bottineau LPA and Transitway Corridor Study Results. * Kevin Roggenbuck, TAB Coordinator.


“A” Minor Arterial Study *

Presentation on the draft final report including findings and recommendations.

Mary Karlsson, Metropolitan Council


Federal Funds Management Process *

Discussion of adopted policy on the use of federal funds when regionally selected projects are deferred, withdrawn or sunset; comments and recommendation from the TAC regarding re-use of funds from withdrawn projects or the allocation of unanticipated funds.

Kevin Roggenbuck, TAB Coordinator


Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21)

Briefing on preliminary analysis of MAP-21 and a regional work plan to understand its impacts on transportation planning and programming.

Koryn Zewers, MnDOT Program Analysis and Management Director


Roadmap 2040

Presentation on the Transportation Alliance vision for transportation.

Margaret Donahoe, MN Transportation Alliance


Thrive MSP 2040 *

Discussion and comments on developing goals and vision for Thrive.

Libby Starling, Metropolitan Council
September 19, 2012

September 19, 2012 Agenda

Summary of comments and issues raised during TAB member visits; discussion on pursuing action. *

  August 15, 2012 Minutes Discuss restructuring Policy and Programming Committees into Committee of the Whole; staff memo.

2012-30          Transportation Policy Plan Amendment w

Recommendation to amend the 2030 Transportation Policy Plan to include the Bottineau Transitway Locally Preferred Alternative and Arterial Transitway Corridor Study Results.



2013 Unified Planning Work Program w

Recommend adoption of the 2013 Unified Planning Work Program

Thrive MSP 2040 w

Continued discussion of principles and goals; TAB member responses to the discussion questions.

  • Libby Starling, Metropolitan Council

2012 Minnesota State Aviation System Plan

Presentation on the State Aviation System Plan.


MSP 2020 Improvements – Draft EA/EAW process

Roy Fuhrmann, Vice President, Management and Operations, Metropolitan Airports Commission


Capital Improvement Program Process and Construction Update

  • Gary Warren, Director, Airport Development, Metropolitan Airports Commission
August 15, 2012 August 15, 2012 Agenda

Southwest Transit request to reconsider CMAQ funding for the TH169 and Pioneer Trail park and ride; response from Chair Hargis; additional market area information. *

Dave Jacobsen, Southwest Transit

  June 20, 2012 Minutes

Questions about the regional solicitation from TAB Member Sue Sanger; reply from Chair Hargis. *


Summary of comments and issues raised during TAB member visits; discussion on pursuing action.

    Discuss restructuring Policy and Programming Committees into Committee of the Whole; staff memo.
    Regional Solicitation Evaluation: TAB feedback on the proposed Scope of Work

Transportation Policy Plan amendment for Bottineau Transitway Locally Preferred Alternative and Arterial Transitway Corridor Study Results. w

Report on TAC action to table the amendment request.


2012-31          2012 Unified Planning Work Program Amendment: Metropolitan Council w

Request to amend the 2012 Unified Planning Work Program to include the Regional Solicitation Evaluation Study, Highway Transitway Corridor Study Penn, Emerson/Fremont, Broadway Corridor Studies, and Thrive MSP 2040 Transportation.


Regional Forecasts and Thrive MSP 2040: Metropolitan Council

Presentation on the 2040 forecasts and timeline; discuss TAB/TAC involvement in Thrive MSP 2040.

2012-27          2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program: TAC #

Recommendation to accept the public comment report.


2012-28          2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program: TAC #

Recommendation to adopt the 2013-2016 TIP. 


2012-29          Highway Safety Improvement Program: MnDOT #

Recommendation to award funds to the HSIP projects submitted in the 2011 regional solicitation.


Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) #

Staff will brief the committee on the preliminary analysis of MAP-21 and a regional work plan to understand its impacts on transportation planning and programming.

Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21)

Presentation on program and policy changes, new areas of emphasis, etc….

  • Serge Phillips, MnDOT Federal Relations Manager

Presentation on the funding impact to Minnesota and the region, particularly SAFETEA-LU funding programs in the regional solicitation.

Mark Gieseke, MnDOT Office of Capital Programs and Performance Measures
July 18, 2012 July 18, 2012 Agenda Meeting Cancelled
June 20, 2012 June 20, 2012 Agenda

Transportation Planning and Programming Guide for the Twin Cities.

Report on revisions requested by the TAB in May.
  May 16, 2012 Minutes

MnDOT Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan *

Presentation on the draft Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan; Opportunity to provide comments.

Kirby Becker, MN Department of Transportation

Regional Freight System and the Economy

Background on the regional freight system and its economic significance.


A” Minor Arterial Study

Study status update; propose process for finalizing study findings and recommendations.


Regional Solicitation Evaluation

Verbal report on the upcoming study.


Reauthorization of SAFETEA-LU

Report on progress made in conference committee on reauthorization of SAFETEA-LU, issues to be resolved.


2012-26          2011 Regional Solicitation. #

Presentation on federal funding programs and project categories; development of funding targets; consideration of funding options and contingency plans.


Roadmap 2040.

Presentation on the Transportation Alliance vision for transportation.

  • Margaret Donahoe, MN Transportation Alliance
May 16, 2012 May 16, 2012 Agenda

TAB Executive Committee

Report on the TAB Executive Committee meeting of May 10. (will be emailed)

Summary of comments from TAB member meetings
  April 18, 2012 Minutes Report on the May 2, 2012 TAC meeting
    TAC Bylaws Revision.

2012-25     Transportation Planning and Programming Guide for the Twin Cities. w

Recommendation to approve the Transportation Planning and Programming Guide.


Guideway Status Report w Presentation on a biennial report on transitways in Minnesota that operate on exclusive or controlled right-of-way. 


Metropolitan Council Preliminary 2040 Forecasts.

Presentation on the preliminary forecasts of population, employment and households in the seven-county region for 2040.


2012-20     2011 regional solicitation: Final Scores

Recommendation to accept the final scores and consider allocation of federal funds for 2015 and 2016; forward list of pros and cons for allocating federal funds.


2012-21     2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment: MnDOT #

Recommendation to amend the 2012-2015 TIP to include design and plan review of the St. Croix River Crossing. 


2012-22     2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment: MnDOT #

Recommendation to include Section 5310 vehicle purchases for elderly and handicapped individuals.


2012-23     2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program: TAC

Recommendation to adopt the draft 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area and schedule public hearing.


Roadmap 2040.

Presentation on the Transportation Alliance vision for transportation.

Margaret Donahoe, MN Transportation Alliance

April 18, 2012 April 18, 2012 Agenda

Regional Governance at the State Legislature.

An update on bills and discussions at the State Legislature affecting regional governance.

  March 21, 2012 Minutes

Extension and Reauthorization of SAFETEA-LU.

A report on the most recent extension of SAFETEA-LU and the prospects for continued extensions or reauthorization.


MnDOT Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan.

Wrap-up on the MN GO! vision and introduction to the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan.  w

Kirby Becker and Mark Nelson, MnDOT


Update on the 2011 Regional Solicitation

Kevin Roggenbuck, TAB Coordinator


2012-15    Scope Change and 2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment Request: Eagan #

Recommendation to approve a project scope change and adopt an amendment to the 2012-2015 TIP for SP# 145-010-010; TH 149 reconstruction from TH 55 to I-494

2012-16    2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment: MnDOT #

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to the 2012-2015 TIP to include five rail crossing safety projects.


2012-17    2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment: Maplewood #

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to the 2012-2015 TIP to include SP# 6211-90; Reconstruct MN 36; and increase the cost of SP# 138-010-018, TH 36 and English Street Interchange. 


2012-18    2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program Adoption Schedule: TAC

Recommendation to adopt the development schedule for the 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program for the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area.


2012-19    Allocation of Additional FY 2012 Federal Funds: TAC.

Recommendation to approve the allocation of $5.6 million in additional federal funds from non-earmarks as directed by the TAB.

  • Greg Coughlin, MNDOT Metro State and Federal Aid.

Transit and Transitway Expansion Plans.

  • Cole Hiniker, Metropolitan Council and John Levin, Metro Transit
March 21, 2012 March 21, 2012 Agenda

St. Croix River Bridge

Status report on the project funding and exemption from the Wild and Scenic Rivers Act.

  February 15, 2012 Minutes

Coordinated Action Plan.

Information about a coordinated plan to establish goals, criteria and strategies for delivering transportation services to elderly, underemployed or otherwise financially disadvantages persons, or persons with disabilities.


Transportation Planning and Programming Guide. w

Update on the development of the Guide and response to TAC and TAB comments.


Update on the 2011 Regional Solicitation and Presentation on the Regional Solicitation Scoring Process


Moving Toward a Performance-Based Transportation Policy Plan (TPP) and Transportation System Performance Assessment (TSPA)

Information about how the Metropolitan Council will incorporate performance based measures into the TPP and TSPA.


2012-11   Scope Change, TIP Amendment and Sunset Date Extension Request: Edina #

Recommendation to deny a scope change, TIP amendment and sunset date extension for SP# 120-020-037; France Avenue/72nd Street Pedestrian Bridge.


2012-12   Scope Change and 2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment Request: Lakeville # Recommendation to approve a project scope change and TIP amendment for SP# 188-118-004; Lake Marion Trail Extension and Right of Way Acquisition.


2012-13   2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment: Hennepin County #

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to include Section 5309 funding from TIGER III for construction of the Transportation Interchange Facility.

2012-14   2012-2015 Transportation Improvement Program Amendment: MnDOT #

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to include SP# 164-070-025; Nice Ride Expansion at the St. Paul Capitol Complex and State offices.


The 2040 Regional Development Framework

Presentation on the Regional Development Framework and information about what will go into the next update.

  • Libby Starling, Metropolitan Council

Minnesota GO! and Statewide Multimodal Plan

Wrap-up of the MinnesotaGO! visioning and presentation on the development of the Statewide Multimodal Transportation Plan.

Kirby Becker and Nark Nelson, MnDOT Statewide Planning
February 15, 2012 February 15, 2012 Agenda

TAB Executive Committee

Report on the TAB Executive Committee meeting of February 9.

(notes from the meeting will be emailed to you )

  January 18, 2012 Minutes

Governance of Transit in the Twin Cities Region

Presentation on the Transit Governance report prepared by the Office of the Legislative Auditor, January 2011.

  • Judy Randall, Office of the Legislative Auditor

Guideway Status Report

Presentation on a biennial report on transitways in Minnesota that operate on exclusive or controlled right-of-way. 

  • Bryan Dodds and Lance Brimhall, MN Department of Transportation

Arterial Transitway Study

Presentation on a study to evaluate potential improvements, cost and benefits of Bus Rapid Transit on arterial streets identified in the Transportation Policy Plan.


Regional 2030 Transportation Policy Plan

Presentation on the Twin Cities long-range regional Transportation Policy Plan.


Update on the 2011 regional solicitation


2011-60   MPCA Request for CMAQ Funds for Electric Vehicle Recharging Infrastructure #

Discussion of the proposal, re-affirm the motion in Action Transmittal 2011-60.


Additional FFY 2012 Federal Funds

Information about additional federal funds allocated to local agency projects in FFY 2012; discussion of options to program the funds.


2012-03   Scope Change Request: Carver County #

Recommendation to approve a sunset date extension to March 31, 2013 for SP# 010-090-004, (TE) Southwest Regional Trail connection.

2012-04   Sunset Date Extension Request: St. Paul #

Recommendation to approve a sunset date extension to March 31, 2013 for SP# 91-090-56, (TE) Cherokee Regional Trail.


2012-05   Sunset Date Extension Request: Anoka County #

Recommendation to approve a sunset date extension to March 31, 2013 for SP# 002-607-019 (HSIP) CSAH 7/CSAH 14 intersection improvement

2012-06   Sunset Date Extension Request: Ramsey County #

Recommendation to approve a sunset date extension to March 31, 2013 for SP# 164-020-101 (BIR) reconstruction of Bridge No. 5950, eastbound Warner Road over Childs Road and Eastbound Warner and SP# 062-636-005 (TE) Warner Bridge bike & pedestrian improvements.


2012-07   Sunset Date Extension Request: Saint Louis Park #

Recommendation to approve a sunset date extension to March 31, 2013 for SP# 2706-226 (STP) TH 7 and Louisiana Avenue Interchange.


2012-08   Sunset Date Extension Request: City of Anoka #

Recommendation to deny a sunset date extension to March 31, 2013 for SP# 103-080-02 (CMAQ), structured parking facility for the Northstar Commuter Rail Transit Village.


2012-09   2012-2015 TIP Amendment Request. Metro Transit  #

Recommendation to amend the 2012-2015 TIP to include Section 5307 funds for I-35E and CR 14 Park and Ride in Lino Lakes.


2012-10   2012-2015 TIP Amendment Request: MnDOT  #

Recommendation to amend the 2012-2015 TIP to combine SP# 2785-378, replacement of the Xerxes Avenue bridge over I-494 with the project scope of SP# 2785-364, add auxiliary lane on I-494 from I-35W to TH 100 and reflect increased total cost.

January 18, 2012 January 18, 2012 Agenda

2012-02    Approval of TAB Subcommittee Assignments *

Approval of TAB subcommittee assignments proposed by Chair Hargis following the appointment of new members.

December 21, 2011 Minutes

Update on the 2011 regional solicitation #

Kevin Roggenbuck, TAB Coordinator


2012-01    Sunset Date Extension Request: Dakota County  #

Recommendation to extend the sunset date for the federal Enhancement funds awarded to SP#91-090-59, Mississippi River Regional Trail Rosemount Segment.


MPCA Request for CMAQ Funds for Electric Vehicle Recharging Infrastructure #

Presentation on the proposed project and responses to previous questions from the TAB.

  • Fran Crotty, MN Pollution Control Agency
  • Kevin McDonald, MN Pollution Control Agency

Conditions for making exceptions to federal funds re-allocation policy #

Recap of discussion at the December meeting; discussion of current policy and examples of policy exceptions

Twin Cities Transit Basics

Presentation on the metro region’s transit systems and transit planning process.

  • Cole Hiniker, Metropolitan Council
  • John Levin, Metro Transit

Governance of Transit in the Twin Cities Region

Presentation on the Transit Governance report prepared by the Office of the Legislative Auditor, January 2011.

  • Judy Randall, Office of the Legislative Auditor