Metropolitan Council Building, 390 No. Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101


Notice of a meeting of the




November 28, 2012

12:30 PM


St. Croix Room, League of Minnesota Cities Building

145 University Avenue W., St. Paul




Informal Discussion Among Members


I.         Call to Order


II.        Adoption of the Agenda


III.       Approval of the Minutes from October 17, 2012 *


IV.       Public Forum

           (Invitation to the public to address the Board about any issue not on the agenda. 


V.        Reports (12:40 - 1:00 PM)


           a.     TAB Chair’s Report – Bill Hargis, Chair

i.    Information

Report on the November 8 TAB Executive Committee meeting. *

ii.   Action

Report on the cost of video streaming and recording TAB meetings. *


           b.   Agency Reports (MnDOT, MPCA, MAC and Metropolitan Council)


           c.    Technical Advisory Committee – Pat Bursaw, Chair

Report on the November 7, 2012 TAC meeting.



VI.       Action Items (1:00 – 2:15 PM)



Transportation Improvement Program Amendment: I-35W Lake Street Access

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to either the 2012-2015 or the 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program to include SP# 027-603-049, $2.0 million for MN061 – Lake Street Access to I-35W, Minneapolis, Preliminary Engineering.

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair




TIP amendment: Hennepin County Interchange Project *

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to either the 2012-2015 or the 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program to include SP# 027-030-028, $6,941,500 for the Transportation Interchange facility in Minneapolis.

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair




TIP amendment: Midtown Greenway Bridge Study *

Recommendation to adopt an amendment to the 2012-2015 or the 2013-2016 Transportation Improvement Program to include SP# 027-070-006, $14,735 for a Midtown Greenway Corridor Bridge Study from France Ave to the Mississippi River Bridge.

  • Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair




“A” Minor Arterial Study:  Accept final report, conclusion and recommendations with comments *

Recommendation that the TAB accepts and recommends that the Metropolitan Council accepts the “A” Minor Arterial System Evaluation Final Report with four revisions described in the action transmittal.

  • Mary Karlsson, Metropolitan Council




TPP amendment: Bottineau LPA and transitway corridor study results *

Report on Golden Valley’s position on the LPA; recommendation to amend the 2030 Transportation Policy Plan to include the Bottineau Transitway Locally Preferred Alternative and Arterial Transitway Corridor Study Results.

  • Joe Gladke, Hennepin County
  • Mary Karlsson, Metropolitan Council


VII.      Information and Discussion Items (2:15 – 2:45 PM)


Information and Discussion

National Highway System

Presentation on the system, definitions, expansion under MAP-21 and how the metro area map has changed.

  • Denise Hesselroth, Minnesota Dept. of Transportation (tentative)



Information and Discussion

Highway Transitway Corridor Study

Presentation on the purpose of the study, corridors and types of investments under consideration.

  • Cole Hiniker, Metropolitan Council



VIII.     Special Agenda (2:45 – 3:15 PM)



Statewide Roadway Jurisdictional Realignment Study

Presentation on the purpose of the study, Phase I of the study, work to be done in Phase II.

  • Greg Coughlin, Director, MnDOT Metro District Operations and Maintenance



IX.       Other Business/Items of TAB members


X.        Adjourn


*   Information enclosed with the full TAB mailing.