Metropolitan Council Building, 390 No. Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Notice of a meeting of the
February 15, 2012
1:30 PM
Council Chambers, Metropolitan Council building
390 Robert Street No., St. Paul
Informal Discussion Among Members
I. Call to Order.
II. Adoption of the Agenda.
IV. Public Forum.
(Invitation to the public to address the Board about any issue not on the agenda. Public comment on the agenda items has occurred at the respective TAB subcommittee meetings.)
a. |
Information |
TAB Executive Committee Report on the TAB Executive Committee meeting of February 9. (notes from the meeting will be emailed to you )
1:45-2:15 |
Governance of Transit in the Twin Cities Region Presentation on the Transit Governance report prepared by the Office of the Legislative Auditor, January 2011.
2:15:-2:30 |
Guideway Status Report Presentation on a biennial report on transitways in Minnesota that operate on exclusive or controlled right-of-way.
VII. Committee Reports. (Scheduled times for each agenda item are approximate, not time certain)
A. Technical Advisory Committee – Pat Bursaw, TAC Chair.
2:30-2:35 |
Report on the February 1, 2012 TAC meeting.
B. Policy Committee – Russ Stark and Randy Maluchnik, Co-Chairs.
2:35-2:40 |
Policy Committee Consent List Items
a. |
Information and Discussion |
Arterial Transitway Study Presentation on a study to evaluate potential improvements, cost and benefits of Bus Rapid Transit on arterial streets identified in the Transportation Policy Plan.
b. |
Information and Discussion |
Regional 2030 Transportation Policy Plan Presentation on the Twin Cities long-range regional Transportation Policy Plan.
C. Programming Committee – Jim Hovland and Robert Lilligren, Co-Chairs.
2:40-3:15 |
Programming Committee Consent List Items.
a. |
Information and Discussion |
Update on the 2011 regional solicitation
b. |
2011-60 (pending) |
MPCA Request for CMAQ Funds for Electric Vehicle Recharging Infrastructure # Discussion of the proposal, re-affirm the motion in Action Transmittal 2011-60.
c. |
Information and Discussion |
Additional FFY 2012 Federal Funds Information about additional federal funds allocated to local agency projects in FFY 2012; discussion of options to program the funds.
d. |
Scope Change Request: Carver County # Recommendation to approve a sunset date extension to March 31, 2013 for SP# 010-090-004, (TE) Southwest Regional Trail connection. |
e. |
Sunset Date Extension Request: St. Paul # Recommendation to approve a sunset date extension to March 31, 2013 for SP# 91-090-56, (TE) Cherokee Regional Trail.
f. |
Sunset Date Extension Request: Anoka County # Recommendation to approve a sunset date extension to March 31, 2013 for SP# 002-607-019 (HSIP) CSAH 7/CSAH 14 intersection improvement.
g. |
Sunset Date Extension Request: Ramsey County # Recommendation to approve a sunset date extension to March 31, 2013 for SP# 164-020-101 (BIR) reconstruction of Bridge No. 5950, eastbound Warner Road over Childs Road and Eastbound Warner and SP# 062-636-005 (TE) Warner Bridge bike & pedestrian improvements.
h. |
Sunset Date Extension Request: Saint Louis Park # Recommendation to approve a sunset date extension to March 31, 2013 for SP# 2706-226 (STP) TH 7 and Louisiana Avenue Interchange.
i. |
Sunset Date Extension Request: City of Anoka # Recommendation to deny a sunset date extension to March 31, 2013 for SP# 103-080-02 (CMAQ), structured parking facility for the Northstar Commuter Rail Transit Village.
j. |
2012-2015 TIP Amendment Request. Metro Transit # Recommendation to amend the 2012-2015 TIP to include Section 5307 funds for I-35E and CR 14 Park and Ride in Lino Lakes.
k. |
2012-2015 TIP Amendment Request: MnDOT # Recommendation to amend the 2012-2015 TIP to combine SP# 2785-378, replacement of the Xerxes Avenue bridge over I-494 with the project scope of SP# 2785-364, add auxiliary lane on I-494 from I-35W to TH 100 and reflect increased total cost.
VIII. Items of TAB Members.
IX. Agency Reports.
X. Other Business.
XI. Adjourn.
* Information enclosed with the full TAB mailing.
# Information enclosed with the TAB Programming Committee mailing the previous week.
w Information included in your TAB Policy Committee mailing.