Metropolitan Council Building, 390 No. Robert Street, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101
Notice of a meeting of the
December 19, 2012
12:30 PM
Council Chambers, Metropolitan Council building
390 Robert Street No., St. Paul
Informal Discussion Among Members
I. Call to Order
II. Adoption of the Agenda
IV. Public Forum
(Invitation to the public to address the Board about any issue not on the agenda.
i. Action |
Report on the cost and accessibility of audio streaming and recording TAB meetings. * |
ii. Information |
Welcome new TAB member Mary Hamann-Roland. |
iii. Information |
Recognition of outgoing TAB members. |
b. Agency Reports (MnDOT, MPCA, MAC and Metropolitan Council)
c. Technical Advisory Committee – Pat Bursaw, Chair
Report on the December 5, 2012 TAC meeting. |
VI. Action Items (1:00 – 2:30 PM)
a. |
Transportation Policy Plan Amendment: Hennepin County * Report on Golden Valley’s position on the Bottineau Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA); recommendation to amend the 2030 Transportation Policy Plan to include the Bottineau Transitway LPA and Arterial Transitway Corridor Study Results.
b. |
Metropolitan Airports Commission 2013-2019 Capital Improvements Program * Recommendation to accept the findings and recommend approval of the 2013-2019 CIP to the Metropolitan Council.
c. |
New Program Year Policy: Federal Program Delivery Work Group * Recommendation to approve a new program year policy to replace the existing sunset date policy.
d. |
Scope Change Consultation Process: Federal Program Delivery Work Group * Recommendation to approve a scope change consultation process for regionally-selected projects.
e. |
CMAQ TDM Solicitation: Metropolitan Council * Recommendation to defer the CMAQ solicitation for new Travel Demand Management projects.
f. |
2013-2016 TIP Amendment: MN Department of Transportation * (Highway Safety Improvement Program funds, MN Dept. of Transportation) Recommendation to adopt an amendment to the 2013-2016 TIP to include the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) projects selected in the 2011 regional solicitation.
g. |
2013-2016 TIP Amendment: MN Department of Transportation * (National Highway Performance Program funds, MN Dept. of Transportation) Recommendation to adopt an amendment to the 2013-2016 TIP to include two National Highway Performance Program (NHPP) funded highway preservation projects.
h. |
Scope Change Robert Street Improvements: West St. Paul * (Surface Transportation Program funds, 2009 Regional Solicitation) Recommendation to approve the requested scope change for SP# 173-010-007, the Robert Street Improvements project but reduce the STP award by $300,000. (web posted only: Grade Separated Trail Crossing Feasibility Study; 2009 application with plan sheets)
i. |
2013-2016 TIP Amendment Robert Street Improvements: West St. Paul * (Surface Transportation Program funds, 2009 Regional Solicitation) Recommendation to adopt an amendment to the 2013-2016 TIP to include the revised project scope for the Robert Street Improvements, West St. Paul.
j. |
Scope Change TH 65 Transit Service: Anoka County * (Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Program funds, 2009 Regional Solicitation) Recommendation to approve the requested scope change for four components of a CMAQ-funded transit expansion project.
k. |
2013-2016 TIP Amendment: Anoka County * (Congestion Mitigation Air Quality Program funds, 2009 Regional Solicitation) Recommendation to adopt an amendment to the 2013-2016 TIP to include the revised project scope for the TH 65 Transit Service, Anoka County
VII. Information and Discussion Items
a. |
Information and Discussion |
None scheduled.
a. |
MAP-21 Impact on the Current 2013-2016 TIP and Future Programming Directions. Presentation on the option chosen by the MnDOT Transportation Program Investment Committee to address project currently programmed in years 2013-2016; new approach to federal and state fund allocation beginning in 2017.
IX. Other Business/Items of TAB members
X. Adjourn
* Information enclosed with the full TAB mailing.